
Showing posts from July, 2007

Theory of human dominance and submission - an outline.

If you have been reading my earlier posts you will have probably realised by now that I am working towards a scientific understanding of dominance and submission. I now feel ready to put forward the outline of a theory, although many of the details have still to be worked out. Firstly, I want to acknowledge that I would not have reached this point without the encouragement of readers of this blog who have posted comments and sent me emails. I am also aware that despite the fact that it has taken me a lot of hard work to get to this stage, the amount of work needed to take the theory on to the next level will be infinitely greater. For both these reasons I would like to open out this work to others in the online community who want to get involved. At the moment I can think of several areas where I could use some help, and I am sure others will emerge: 1. A theory needs to be able to answer questions and to make predictions which can be tested. Please let me know wh...

Email problems

It seems that I have not been receiving all my emails, due to some unknown technical problem with my yahoo mail account ( painhlr [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk) . To get round this I have now opened up a second email address which is: painhlr [at] googlemail [dot] com I have answered everything I received at the old address, so if you have sent me a message and not had a reply it probably never arrived. Please do send your message again and I'll do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible. PainHealer

Two modes

The more I carry on with my research into D/s the more I realise how much evolution has played a part. It appears that most animals that live in flocks, herds or groups of one sort or another are organised into hierarchies based on submission and dominance. It has been this way for millions of years. If you were a solitary, territorial creature like a robin you wouldn't have to worry about these things, you would just chase off any potential competitors and sing nice songs to attract potential mates. You would need aggression for the former, sexual behaviour for the latter, and your hormones would tell you which to use. If you were a wolf living in a pack, or a chicken in a flock then life gets more complex. You would still have your aggressive and sexual instincts, but if they were left unchecked the social group would quickly disintegrate in an orgy of lust and bloodshed. To avoid chaos these basic survival instincts have to be partially inhibited, and overri...

The Reptilian Brain

I seem to be driven to try to explain this curious human behaviour of dominance and submission. Initially I was doing it to make sense of something that seemed incompatible with the rest of my personality, but as I've dug deeper it has become more and more fascinating as a subject of study in its own right. I'm curious as to what might turn up next, and I get the feeling that there are important insights to be discovered here. It can be a frustrating search, and sometimes I feel I'd be better off just enjoying the fun rather than trying to analyse it. Then flashes of insight come where disconnected parts of the jigsaw suddenly slot together, setting me off in some new direction with fresh enthusiasm. I find I can easily get lost in the minutiae of the scientific literature, as I try to uncover the research that will back up the ideas with solid fact. As a consequence I have several promising threads which have been partially written up for this blog but are too incomplete t...