Living at a critical time

It's over ten years since I last posted to this blog, and a lot has happened in that time, both personally for me and globally for humanity.

I feel that we now live at a critical time. Our civilisation faces multiple threats, of which climate change is the one that gives me the most cause for urgency, but there are many more. Anyone who isn't disturbed by these threats either hasn't looked at the evidence, of which there is plenty, or is in denial. I'm interested in talking to those people who are not in denial, who have looked at the evidence, but may be struggling to know what to do about it.

This is where my fundamental interest in dominance and submission comes into play. It's something I've always been drawn to, for as long as I can remember, but I've not been particularly interested in using it as a form of "play". It's felt much more serious than that, and in the ten years since I last posted I've come to realise why.

Although the crisis that is unfolding before our eyes promises to be difficult, it also represents a fantastic opportunity, in that it heralds the development of a new level in human consciousness. For those who are willing to work at this, their likelihood of surviving the crisis will be greatly enhanced. I've been working on the idea that submissiveness is the key to the consciousness changes that are needed. To summarise some of the conclusions I have come to:
  • We need to stop seeing our planet as an inanimate object, and begin to regard it as an intelligent, living being, the source of all life that supports and nourishes us.
  • If we treat the planet as such, it makes sense to approach it from a condition of humility, reverence and awe.
  • We have already tried abusing the planet with our arrogance, disrespect and exploitation, and this approach threatens to drive us to extinction.
  • The right way to approach the planet is through an attitude of deep submissiveness. If we can do that our needs will be met.
  • I have come to see those who are submissive, and the dominants who train and discipline them, as vital to the future of human civilisation. If you are one of these you are at the leading edge, you are a pioneer, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to serve the planet.
At this point I need to make it clear that I've not found many people who share these ideas, let alone being interested in helping me develop them. Therefore what I'm writing here is exploratory, I'm hoping that by putting them out into the world others will be attracted who think in a similar way. You should not take what I say as fixed truth - there's no such thing. I'm expecting these ideas to evolve and change as I go on, although I think they have a core validity.


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