Who are these ideas for?

I'm very aware that my ideas are not for everyone, I've had plenty of feedback over the years that confirms this. It therefore world seem to be a good idea, and save everybody's time, if I spell out who they are aimed at.

  • The content of this blog might appeal to you if you recognise a strong element of natural submissiveness in your personality and want to develop that in order to serve our planet.
  • It may also appeal to you if you already have experience of BDSM but want to take it to a deeper, more meaningful level. You will have already seen the beneficial effects submission has on your personality and relationships, and want to help spread those benefits to others. Having said that, I also want keep this space open to you if you have not been active in any sort of "scene", as this is by no means essential.
  • You may be drawn to self-sacrifice, and be looking for guidance on how to go about this.
  • You may be attracted to spiritual service, but find yourself looking for a tougher, harder edge than the “love and light” that you find in many approaches.
  • You may be drawn to the punishment element of submissiveness, perhaps in response to feeling guilty or ashamed at aspects of your personality. Perhaps you recognise that submitting to discipline will help you overcome certain unhelpful character traits that you can't control, such as addictions. Those who overcome their own personality limitations also serve humanity.
  • You may be aware of your own impact on the planet, how your consumption has helped to put nature out of balance, and wish to atone.
  • You may be finding that your higher consciousness is opening, you are starting to see the planet as a higher being deserving of our worship, and be looking for a structure to help you make sense of these experiences.
  • You may have none of these drivers, but you recognise that your way of relating and sexuality is different from the norm. You may not be sure that submissiveness is right for you, but be willing to give it a try.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind. There is much in here that the average person, steeped in the materialism, selfishness and entitlement of our 21st century western civilisation, will find repellent. If you read on you will be invited to make sacrifices, experience pain, humble yourself, and perform rituals that your ego will find pointless. You will find very little here that is salacious, there are plenty of other books that offer that.


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