Bar Time

How does a Dom punish his or her submissive when they are thousands of miles apart and rarely, if ever meet?  I describe here one of the methods I use. It's based on a similar principle to Corner Time, which is a frequently used form of mild punishment, involving standing in a corner for an extended period of time. 

Corner Time can be used as a "cooling off" process, or as a technique for creating anticipatory anxiety in advance of something even more unpleasant.  What is described here is a variant of corner time which I call Bar Time. I prefer it because it requires a more submissive position (the typical bend-over-for-a-caning position), thereby having a more powerful psychological impact. It's also a lot more physically challenging - holding the position for any length of time can become quite painful and a real ordeal, so the severity of punishment entailed can be set by adjusting the duration.


The Bar is essentially a horizontal metal pole set about two inches above floor level. I've found that the chrome-plated bars sold for constructing towel rails in DIY stores work well, along with the brackets used for supporting them. Choose the strongest rail you can find (such as 25mm/1inch), and get three brackets so that you can have a central support.

If you have a fixed location for punishments you could fix the bar to the floor, but you are more likely to want to move it around, so get a solid wooden shelf (not chipboard) to attach the bar to. Rather than using screws which could be pulled out, I recommend nuts and bolts which going right through the shelf for strength. You will need to make a small recess or countersink on the underside of the shelf to avoid the bolt head scratching the floor.

Measure the shelf and the pole so that you can set the brackets at the right width for the submissive to spread his/her legs. This is a matter of aesthetics - I prefer quite a wide spread, two feet or more. It's worth testing this out before beginning construction.

I have posted some images of the hardware here:


The essence of using the bar is to go beyond it's functional purpose as a pole to hold a body in position, but to develop the psychological aspects so that it reinforces submissiveness. It's up to each Dom to define how the Bar is used, my principles are as follows:

1. It is to be used naked, and getting naked is defined as removing everything that's not permanently attached to the body

2. The submissive must not break position and let go of the bar until released. In this sense Bar Time is like self-enforced bondage.

3. Release from the bar may be after a set time has elapsed, or on a word of command. Both release mechanisms may be used for different purposes, so the timed release may be used for a routine disciplinary ritual, whereas release on command may be used as a time-out or for cooling off process. Psychologically, not knowing when the release will come is much harder for the submissive.


The aim is to minimise distractions or the possibility of interruptions so that the submissive's attention is focused entirely on the practice. There should be no phones or other appliances to distract, the room should be cleared of all unnecessary objects and thoroughly clean. It should not be too warm.

If using a timed release a timer that "pings" is better than a clock as it can be out of sight, otherwise the submissive will spend the whole time watching the clock.

Prepare the body by getting naked, using the toilet, bathing or showering and do any other body preparation that the Dom requires.


The sub should stand with his/her toes underneath the bar and feet apart at the required spread. Note that for a mobile bar, the sub should be standing on the plank so that his/her weight holds the apparatus in position.

I like a submissive to adopt a position with the legs straight and the back well hollowed, so that when holding the bar the body is bent like a hairpin rather than an arch. This may be hard and require practice for those who are not flexible. The difficulty of the position can be increased by requiring the sub to look forward rather than letting the head hang down, or rising on tiptoes.

An alternative posture is the "paddling" position with the knees bent and the buttocks pushed backwards.

Entering and leaving the position should be done as slowly, smoothly and gracefully as possible, although after a long period of bar time unwinding from the position may inevitably be difficult and not at all graceful.


Using the bar for any length of time can be very challenging, unless the submissive is trained in yoga, ballet or some other discipline that makes the body flexible.  For the average person, five minutes may be enough to begin with. A Dom should try it for themselves before setting a long time. Once it's clear that the submissive has mastered a short time, the duration can be ramped up.

If the sub's muscles start shaking this may be a sign to stop. If the submissive is  overweight, check that they are able to breathe properly. It may be necessary to raise the bar by fitting extra blocks of wood under the support brackets.

Instructions to the submissive

When starting, practice emptying your mind of thoughts.  There are many good meditation texts that will tell you how to do this, so they will not be repeated here.  At the very least all thoughts connected with your mundane daily life should be eliminated, and if you cannot maintain a totally tranquil mind, then focus on thoughts of submission.

When first using the bar you may experience all manner of negative emotions - you may feel ridiculous, humiliated, angry, resentful, ashamed.  You must work through these feelings - acknowledge that you have them and maintain the position anyway - they will pass soon enough. 

Your body will feel uncomfortable at first as it gets used to holding the position for a length of time.  You will feel all manner of aches and pains, you will want to itch and scratch.  Overcome these distractions and maintain the position.

At times you will feel exposed and vulnerable - this is both understandable and desirable.  Your buttocks, genitals and anus are fully presented for the use of anyone who cares to take advantage of them. If you feel uncomfortable about this, remain in position until the feeling subsides.  Remember that these parts of your body are  beautiful, and in bending to the bar you are displaying them at their best.

You may not break position until released, either by a timer or by command. If you are unsupervised and you break position, whatever the cause of the disturbance, you should end the practice, take a short break, re-enter the position and start again from the beginning.


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