Through submissiveness to higher consciousness

Although some people are more naturally submissive than others, submissiveness is a quality which can be developed through practice, discipline and training, under the guidance of someone with the specialised knowledge of what is required. It may be helpful to think of the development of a submissive as going through a series of stages.

Stage 1

In this stage the individual is not aware that they are actually submissive, they haven't thought of themselves in those terms yet. There will be signs and indications of course, they will be aware that they are different from other people, but they may not realise that there are others like themselves. The submissiveness may reveal itself through particular types of fantasies, an attraction to austerity and a rejection of self-indulgence. This individual may have a tendency to defer to other people, to sit quietly in the background rather than join in with conversations, or to apologise for themselves a lot.

Stage 2

There comes a time when the individual begins to recognise their submissive nature, and starts wanting to do something about it. This might come about through reading, through watching videos or documentaries. Alternatively someone who has known them for a while may recognise their submissive traits, introduce them to the concept, and suggest cautiously that this might be the case for them.

Sometimes this guidance will be rejected because the potential submissive is not ready to absorb it, but often it will come as a great relief, a moment of discovery when things start to fit into place. Often the person pointing this out will be another submissive or a dominant who has learned to recognised the signs. Although the news needs to be imparted tactfully because it can be hard to take in, this is nevertheless a very helpful thing to do because it can save the individual many years of pain and wasted time derived from not understanding who they are.

An individual at this stage is not really submissive yet. They may have fantasies of submission, but they won't be very reliable at carrying out some of the basic requirements, such as being obedient and accepting discipline.

Stage 3

Once an individual has recognised their submissiveness and started to experiment with it, they may come to realise that they need help to develop. This is where the idea of submissive training comes in. It is necessary because the ego is immensely powerful, and it is very difficult for someone to use their own ego to overcome itself.  It really does require someone from the outside, normally a dominant person, to use the power of their will to instruct the submissive in what to do, to point out what they may be doing wrong, and to stretch them with ever more challenging goals.

Although the initial experience of exploring submissiveness might be very exciting, it doesn't take long for reaction to the instruction to set in. This this is often called "topping from the bottom", and is where the submissive tries to take control of the relationship, often in subtle ways. It is an example of the ego creeping back in, and an experienced dominant will spot this immediately and correct it.

There could be a number of false starts, because finding a good dominant is not an easy process.  In the excitement of the first encounter it is easy to overlook the dominant's limitations. There needs to be alignment between the goals of the dominant and the needs of the submissive. There is a need for a lot of exploration and negotiation before embarking on a training relationship with a dominant. An individual who is new to submissiveness won't know a lot about what to look for, so there can be much trial and error involved.

Assuming that the new submissive does eventually find a dominant who seems to offer what is needed, there needs to be a period of discussion and negotiation, arriving at an agreement as to what that training will consist of. What does the dominant expect from the submissive? What does the submissive hope to achieve in their training?  The submissive will have all sorts of ideas and expectations which picked up from the culture, and it will take a lot of work to modify those into true submissiveness.

Just as it takes at least three years to gain a professional qualification, you should think in terms of it taking three years to become well trained as a submissive. The contents of that training are beyond the scope of this article, but the ultimate aim will be to embed the fundamental qualities so firmly that external control is no longer needed.

So for example, discipline learned with the aid of the sanction of punishment eventually becomes self-discipline, where the need for any sort of punishment disappears. Similarly rituals will initially be done erratically if at all, but when performed diligently over a long period the submissive comes to see their value, and so carries them out willingly and automatically, rather than needing external discipline to keep them happening.

So for example if the dominant requires a submissive to kneel or meditate for a period every day, it will be quite hard at first to maintain that regular discipline. The dominant will need to monitor the submissive to ensure compliance, and enforce obedience through various sanctions. Once the submissive has been practising discipline like this for an extended period of time this changes completely. The practice becomes so embedded, comforting and reassuring that the thought of missing out on it becomes unthinkable.

Another part of the training will be in openness and honesty. Again at first this can be a really difficult thing to do and a lot of enforced discipline is required to make sure that happens. However as training proceeds the submissive realises the benefits of openness, she becomes so convinced of the value of it that to be dishonest or to deceive just becomes unthinkable.

Stage 4

There is another stage, which begins when the training process is complete. At this point there is really no need for external control, the basic principles of submissiveness - obedience, discipline, openness, reliability, simplicity - are fully established and automatic. The submissive will have also acquired a wide range of skills, and developed their strength and resilience to be able to carry them out. All significant psychological issues will have been worked through, and while nobody is totally free from hangups, these no longer cause issues, they are just dealt within the normal run of events.

Once this stage is reached the submissive may not need a dominant any more, or may just need the occasional maintenance session. At this point there are a number of options. The submissive may choose to become dominant in their own right, and start to take on other submissives in training. Alternatively they may decide they need to go even deeper into the submissive process, essentially taking on a slave role, or exploring deeper levels of masochism.

A third option, the one that interests me most, is to submit to a higher power, which is a spiritual process. It's difficult to do this at an earlier stage because the ego gets in the way, and you need the external discipline to work with. But once the submissive has reached the stage of not needing external domination, they can essentially monitor their own submissiveness then the possibility of submitting to the Field, Gaia or any chosen higher power becomes available.

Higher consciousness

Higher consciousness arises when you've got a direct and immediate communication with a higher power.You can only submit to something or someone that you can communicate with and receive guidance from. This may sound strange if you've not experienced it, but it really works! You ask for help with a particular problem and it miraculously arrives, perhaps through another person who just appears at the right moment with the help you need, or perhaps because the solution just appears in your mind. Similarly you get guidance as to how you can serve the higher power by noticing your thoughts, messages from others, or unlikely coincidences.

I don't know of a guaranteed way of bringing on this capability, but I do know that the disciplines of submissiveness, if followed diligently over a long period, make it more accessible. This is because submissiveness works in large part by containing the ego, getting it out of the way, and this seems a necessary step for achieving the higher faculties. I know that meditation works too, but submissiveness may be quicker!

It  seems that higher consciousness can develop in response to difficult experiences, such as loss, bereavement, accidents or trauma. This is where physical punishment may be helpful, because it seems that pain is another method of awakening higher consciousness. If you look at the lives of the Saints, the practices of gurus, mystics or shamans; these people often put themselves through a considerable degree of physical hardship and suffering. At the opposite end, people who've never experienced any difficulty in their lives can often be remarkably unconscious. Physical discipline and punishment may be a controlled way of raising consciousness, whereas experiencing traumas such as a car crashes or terrorist situations will be very uncontrolled and risky. It may be that people who put themselves deliberately into dangerous situations are seeking a way of raising their consciousness too.

I think it can be very useful for a submissive who finds she is starting to access these levels to continue to work with a Dominant, because the new energies can be very destabilising, and deceptive at times. It's therefore very useful to have someone who can introduce checks and balances, while willing to accept that she now responds to a higher authority than him.

Of course there's no guarantee that a Dominant who has taken a new submissive from the untrained stage right through to fully trained will have attained higher consciousness himself.  There isn't the same requirement for Dominants to control their egos after all. In this situation a submissive really needs to seek out a different Dom with a matching level of awareness, because the principles that apply to everyday consciousness simply do not work at the higher level. It's a totally different way of operating, and someone without that experience will not be able to help her.

Being the only one who has higher consciousness can be quite a lonely situation, particularly as it should involve being able to freely communicate with others at a telepathic level. Therefore seeking out a group, or community of similar people is a really good idea. A community led by a Dominant who has attained higher consciousness, and containing a number of submissives who have reached that level themselves, perhaps including others who are still in training, would be a very fruitful combination that would be highly rewarding for all concerned.

The main principle in such a community will be to sort out the alignment towards the higher power, the entity that everyone is ultimately submitting to. Its the role of the Dominant to make the initial connection and to work out what the purpose of the higher power is. Then the submissives in the team align themselves in the same way, so that everybody is ultimately oriented to the same higher power. This is necessary because a team that contains people who are aligned differently will pull itself apart.

I'm talking about quite a rare situation here. I imagine that such a grouping would be labelled as a cult by the outside world, and it would certainly be necessary to guard against going in that direction, but the benefits that could flow as service to the world at large could be so productive that I feel that it's worth making the attempt.

Please do comment here if you have experience of attaining higher consciousness through your submissive disciplines, or if you have worked with others in this way.


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