
As with any other skill, submissiveness is developed by training. Even those who have a naturally submissive personality can have this improved by experiencing an appropriately demanding training regime. It's very hard to be sufficiently strict with oneself to achieve the necessary development of personality.

Therefore, although I've been discussing submitting to Gaia as a goal, in order to achieve this we first of all have to begin by submitting to an actual physical human, a dominant. In this and other posts I will describe the dominant as male, but this is not necessarily the case. Whatever gender, the dominant needs to have an understanding of what you are aiming to achieve, and to have the humility to recognise that serving them is just a step along the path for you, and that eventually they will need to surrender their dominance of you to a higher power.

This is a big ask, because training a submissive represents a big commitment in time for the dominant, and he will want to be sure you are the right person who is ready and available to receive that training. Ideally the dominant will be on the same path himself, so in serving him you are supporting him in his work for Gaia.

Effective training will change you in ways that cannot be predicted. The dominant you approach will want to be sure you are psychologically and physically strong enough to receive his training and benefit from it, rather than suffering adverse affects. Dominants will have their own process for vetting people who approach them, which might include asking you to write an application, answer a series of very searching questions, or complete a series of tasks to demonstrate obedience.

Below I list some questions that you should ask yourself before requesting training:

Your capacity to do the training
  • Am I genuinely available to undertake this training? Do I have the time? Am I sufficiently free from entanglements and responsibilities? Will the other people in my life support me or oppose me?
  • Do I have the commitment? Do I have the will to keep going when feeling resistance, hostility or demotivation?
  • Do I have the psychological capacity? Am I mentally and emotionally stable enough to handle this? Am I mature enough? Do I have any concerns about my mental state?
  • Am I physically fit enough? Have I any medical conditions that could put me at risk? Have I abused drugs, alcohol, other substances? Am I addicted to anything, whether substances or processes?
  • How will I cope with rejection? punishment? criticism?
  • Dominants often have more than one submissive in training at any one time, as well as being served by those who have completed their training. How will I feel about this? Will I be able to control my jealousy and envy? How will I feel about obeying, or being punished by, another submissive, rather than the dominant?
  • Training calls for extraordinary levels of openness on the part of the submissive. Am I capable of being totally honest to the dominant and his other submissives? Disclosing my deepest secrets, shameful episodes, guilt, insecurities and flaws? Can I be open about my sexuality? Can I be honest about my negative thoughts?
  • Is there anything in my history that could impede me? Have I committed any criminal offences or been prosecuted? Have I harmed anyone, created any enemies, accumulated debts or done anything that may come back to haunt me later?
Answering yes to any of these last questions does not exclude you from proceeding with the training - what matters is your openness, honesty, and willingness to confront difficult issues. On the other hand if you are dishonest at this stage you are automatically excluding yourself - you will find it much more difficult to develop genuine submissiveness if you start off on a false basis.

Your motivation

Reflect on the following questions:
  • Why do I want to do this training? What do I want to get from it? What changes do I want to make to myself?
  • What makes me want to be submissive? How do I know that I'm submissive, what experiences demonstrate this?
  • What do I expect from a dominant?
  • What am I prepared to give back? How much time, effort, energy and resources am I willing to commit to being successful?
  • How serious is my wish to discover my true nature? Am I willing to help others do this too?
Your acceptance
  • Am I really willing to be obedient?
  • To accept discipline and punishment?
  • To be open, honest and truthful?
  • To sacrifice and serve? 
  •  Am I willing for my lifestyle to be completely changed by the experience? To take risks and step outside my comfort zone? To overcome my limiting beliefs and attempt things I never believed I was capable of doing?

What will submissiveness training teach me?

In addition to the changing your attitude to the planet, there are many qualities that can be developed that will help you become a better person and a better servant to the world. The precise nature of what you will learn by training as a submissive will depend on the requirements of whoever is teaching you (your dominant), however I would expect a good training to give you some or all of the following accomplishments:
  • Become the best you are capable of, through being constantly challenged to develop new strengths and skills
  • Increase your confidence in your ability to cope under pressure in difficult situations
  • Develop the capacity to be a reliable supporter of a trusted leader, and know the joy that comes through giving 100% to a shared purpose
  • Learn the benefits of self-discipline and obedience, enabling you to stretch yourself beyond the limitations of your ego
  • Become liberated from shame, guilt and destructive behaviour patterns
  • Learn to welcome discipline and correction, as you discover how it helps you to overcome fear and other limiting emotions.


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