Why submissiveness?

To recap on some recent posts I've made, I'm talking about our planet, which I'm calling Gaia, as an intelligent, living being that provides us with everything we need to exist. If you can accept this, then it seems obvious to me that submissiveness is the only appropriate attitude to adopt towards her. Certainly the arrogance with which mankind has treated her can no longer be sustained; it will lead to our extinction.

Therefore I conclude that submissiveness is an excellent grounding for the way we should behave towards our planet. Once we start to make this shift, it seems that the Gaia responds, and we start to gain access to our higher consciousness.

However, turning a desire for submission into it's practical reality is not a simple task - for most of us our conditioning pulls us in the opposite direction. It therefore takes training to reorient the personality away from ego-based selfishness towards humility and service. It's hard to keep up the will to achieve this on your own, as the conditioning we experience as we grow up is extremely powerful, and tends to blind us to our own deficiencies. To develop submissiveness requires the guidance of someone who understands the path, knows the pitfalls, and can point out when you are going off track. Such people are rare.

In practice it's difficult to learn to be submissive to such an apparently abstract entity as Gaia, which is why most people will start by training with a real person, a dominant, mentor or guide who stands in for the higher level. Once training has developed your personality to the point where submission is automatic and self-organised, you can go it alone. However, although submissive people will develop their own connection directly with Gaia, they tend to be strongly drawn to relationships, so will look for situations where they can help other people, through acts of service.

I am anticipating difficult times ahead, as the unsustainable nature of the lifestyle most of us follow is brought home to us ever more clearly. There will be a need for people to form themselves into teams in order to survive, and a team of submissive people under the leadership of a suitably insightful dominant will be able to achieve much that the lone individual cannot. You may also want to consider becoming a servant-leader or guide and helping others in turn find their submissive nature.

In my experience the desire to be submissive and the ability to live submissively at all times are two very different things. This is where a dominant, and the discipline that he or she provides, becomes essential.


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